This login is only for AAT students starting AQ22 Qualifications in September. Students continuing AQ16 qualifications please go to our old website or click the AQ16 button on the main page.

Free Consultation Form

Free Consultation Form

Are you looking to further your accounting or bookkeeping career?

Then our free consultation form is just the thing for you. It will allow you to learn more about the different courses we offer in this field and decide if one is right for you. We understand that everyone has their own needs and goals, so our experienced team of educators are here to help tailor a program that suits your particular requirements.

£100.00 / DOŻYWOTNI

Klub Sepera Membership

Uzyskaj 10% zniżki na wszystkie przyszłe kursy.
Dostęp do setek zniżek u sprzedawców detalicznych w Wielkiej Brytanii za pośrednictwem TOTUM.
Zniżki na wszystkie egzaminy!


Sepera College is a registered exam centre for AAT computer based exams. You can sit any exam subject at any available session, subject to availability at time of booking. 

AAT assessments are in the form of computer based exams ranging from 90 to 180 minutes duration.

We offer incredibly competitive prices for AAT exams, so make sure you book your exam with Sepera today!

We Have Three Examination Centres:

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